The Province of Ontario has ordered the mandatory closure of all non-essential workplaces effective as of Tuesday, March 24, 2020. These measures are an extension of the measures already in place since the declaration of emergency. Legal Services remain available, but legal outcomes are severely restricted as set out below.
LTB Counter Services
The LTB closed counter services as of March 16, 2020, until further notice. Applications continue to be processed by the Board with respect to the opening of a file and/or scheduling hearings. Not all applications are being scheduled for a hearing at this time
LTB Hearings
The LTB is in the process of postponing all in-person hearings to a later date. Where feasible, applications may be scheduled for a telephone or written hearing. This is adding further delays to the already long delays parties have become accustomed to at the LTB.
LTB Eviction Hearings and Orders
As of March 19, 2020, the LTB suspended issuing New Eviction Orders. This includes the suspension of eviction applications and the issuance of eviction orders for hearings already held. This suspension does not apply to urgent issues such as an illegal act or serious impairment of safety.
Enforcement of Evictions Suspended
In addition, the Superior Court of Justice has suspended residential evictions pursuant to orders of the Landlord and Tenant Board as of March 19, 2020. However, it is still possible to have an eviction enforced upon leave being granted by the Superior Court of Justice pursuant to the court's procedures for an urgent Motion.